Joint Commission Certified Staffing Agency

The Joint Commission
Quality Check® is the most comprehensive listing of health care organizations available today. Quality Check now lists health care organizations certified by The Joint Commission. Joint Commission certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality and safety that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards. Quality Check is one tool consumers can use to help make health care decisions.
We Have High Standards
Our Health Care Staffing Services Certification (HCSS) shows our commitment to continuous performance improvement, providing high quality patient care, and reducing patients' risk of harm.
Health Care Staffing Services Certification Benefits
Improves risk management and risk reduction
Provides a management framework for quality, safety and improving performance
Increases credibility
Provides external validation of sound business practices
Establishes criteria for providing appropriate and competent staffing services
Can be a tool to attract and retain quality personnel
Can fulfill regulatory requirements in select states
Benefits of Using JCC Staffing Agencies
A greater level of confidence that the processes within the staffing firm support that supplemental staff working in their organizations have met the rigorous requirements set by the Joint Commission.
Health Care Staffing Services certification would provide Health Care providers with a third party source of information to assist in making informed choices among staffing firms.
HCSS certification supports and facilitates Health Care organizations’ efforts to improve quality and safety of care delivered to their patients.
How to Report Concerns for Patient Care & Safety
We encourage you to contact our staffing firm's management if you have concerns for patient care or safety. If your concerns can't be resolved through the staffing firm's management, you are encouraged to contact The Joint Commission at the Office of Quality Monitoring (OQM) (800) 994-6610. GrapeTree will take no disciplinary or punitive action for reports of safety or quality-of-care concerns.
As a Joint Commission certified staffing firm, we strive to maintain a high level of customer service. GrapeTree would like to notify you of our Complaint/Grievance process, which you can find in the following link Complaint/Grievance Process.