October 10, 2019
GrapeTree Medical Staffing Expands Services with GrapeTree Managed Solutions Program
GrapeTree Medical Staffing, LLC is excited to grow and continue moving forward with our current GrapeTree Managed Solutions (GMS) program. With over 20 years' experience partnering with staffing agencies, we are ready to take our current GMS program to the next level, placing more experienced staff and ensuring patients continue receiving the highest quality care they deserve. This service expansion will help build on and fulfill our mission of continuing to improve healthcare and exceed facility expectations.
What does GMS mean for our clients?
GMS administers the healthcare staffing program of our clients by providing direct staffing services and managing its network of preferred supplier partners. GrapeTree will remain your single point of contact while taking one step further to ensure additional fill rates for your facility. As GrapeTree continues to partner with trusted staffing agencies, we help your facility find additional suppliers that will increase your staffing network and improve your staffing efficiencies and labor, giving you the ability to focus on core functions like patient care and safety.
Our program offers consolidated invoicing, simplifying your reporting and billing process into one accurate, paperless invoice. In addition, we provide optimized credential compliance, PBJ reporting, data and analytics to help improve your workforce forecasting, planning and scheduling. Ultimately, our streamlined program will provide you faster access to the qualified healthcare professionals you need, when you need them!
What does GMS mean for suppliers?
Like any managed services program (MSP), GMS will help to quickly expand your client base and works with agencies to place the CNAs, LPNs and RNs that facilities need to meet growing patient demands. Through our collaborative partnership, suppliers benefit from a consistent, streamlined process with a single point of contact, 24/7 service, easy-to-use software, positive industry exposure, and expanded staffing opportunities.
GrapeTree is proud of the investment made in our trusted GMS program and the relationships formed within. With a focus on partnership and culture, GMS delivers and innovative program that is sure to bring value.
Let's improve healthcare - together. Call or email us today to help make a change in the healthcare industry! Learn more at https://www.grapetree.org/supplierpartnerships.